Margaretta Mitchell
Master photographer and national treasure, Margaretta K. Mitchell, created this iconic image decades ago when her beautiful daughter, Anne, and I were growing up together in San Francisco. Gretta so kindly gave me permission to base the symbol of my message and mission (aka logo) on her original photograph so aptly named, “Victory.”
All I need to do is look at it to feel in my body my life’s path and purpose. May you feel that inspiration, too!
Better yet, pop over to Gretta’s site and treat yourself to her gorgeous art…
I love and thank you, gorgeous Gretta!
Bert Hellinger
The laser-sharp visionary who founded Family Constellation Work. He changed my life significantly, as he has changed so many lives. May he rest in the motion of his soul.
Emilie Conrad
And just ‘cuz, I want to mention another mentor of mine – the late, great Emilie Conrad whom I had the honour of studying with intensively in her last years.
Emilie was one of the true body wizards who could move consciousness through flesh like nobody’s business.
As in the end I chose not to become a Continuum teacher, if learning how to micro-move as and through the primal waters of your body draws you, check out one of Emilie’s heiresses, Marcella Bottero. She is an absolute gem and so deserving to carry on Emilie’s legacy…
Walking In Your Shoes
Gabriella Roth
Colette Obrien
Matt Kahn
Pamela Daniels
Ingrid Stadler
George Stambolian
My lovely folks
The Nush