Rachel Fell
My mission (and this website) would still be in scattered pieces if it weren’t for master business-meets-existential coach, Rachel Fell. She’s a one-of-a-kind brilliant, neurodivergent, intricately-attuned guide and advocate of we color-outside-the-lines folks.
It’s thanks to Rachel that I was able to corral my multi-faceted professional experience, thoughts, and aspirations and chart them up into do-ability. Honing the whole greater than the sum of all my parts and then splicing them into component get-’er-dones while always lovingly making sure the rubber keeps sliding down the road – that’s so Rachel.
Simply put, she is the finest of gem cutters whose business and marketing skills, psychological and spiritual insights, big-hearted care and fierce compassion is making my business, projects, purpose (and person) into the jewels I have always envisioned.
And she is a genius at editing, too (she hasn’t worked her magic on this bit - can’t you tell?). Thanks to Rachel, my expansive writing and let-me-make-sure-I-express-it-all-even-if-it’s-too-much is far more streamlined into much clearer, cleaner, metabolisable verbal nutritional value.
You’re the (light) bomb, Rachel. Thank you, thank you for helping me finally get my hard work and congruent vision out into the world! www.rachelfell.com
Jane Peterson
There are so many great Constellation Work trainers in the world. But as this field expands rapidly, more and more people are becoming trainers making it harder to know where to go if you want to make a profession out of Systemic Constellation Work.
I have trained with many of the greats, but for brevity here I highly recommend you check out one of the first American facilitators, Jane Peterson. She is brilliant - rigorously analytical without having lost her profound intuitive capacities and sense of mystery. She has succeeded in creating cirricula that teach Constellation Work in a comprehensive, grounded and very inspiring way.
I am so fortunate to have learned so much from ever-inspiring Jane!
Walking In Your Shoes
The fabulous sister technique to Family Constellation, Walking In Your Shoes,
Dr Alexandra Kathehakis
It is very much in thanks to Alex, co-founder of The Center for Healthy Sex in Los Angeles, that my work is what it is today. At her renowned clinic specialising in healing sex addiction/compulsivity, out of time constraints and healing necessity, I developed my work, Personal Geometry.
I will always be grateful to Alex for entrusting me with her clients in their tremendous vulnerabilities while they underwent their heroes’ journeys toward successful sobriety.
It’s an awesome place to find sexual healing and education:
Philip Shepherd
Of all the brilliant embodiment experts out there, Philip is one of the greatest and most eloquent of our time. When I first heard about his work, I guffawed at his claim to being an embodiment “authority.” Well, this guy is. I have learned some fundamental truths and tools from Philip and know that you would, too, if you feel drawn to learn from him. I cannot recommend his offerings highly enough. And his beautiful wife, Allyson, is equally wonderful and as radically whole. www.embodiedpresent.com
Blair Wilson/1ManBand
Blair is one of those special humans who meeting by chance can develop into friendship and creative alliance. It is Blair’s musical composition, “Jacqueline Joy” (inspired by his lovely mother), that graces my intros and outros. Every time I hear it, I feel blessed by his magical grace all over again. I hope you do, too.
To experience more of Blair’s creative adventure, visit: http://1manbandproductions.weebly.com/about.html
Ellen Heed
Betty Martin
Dr. Patti Britton
Dr. Patti is a fierce champion of sexual rights and freedoms, and someone I greatly admire. She struggled to work within the traditional medical paradigm, which treats sexual concerns as pathologies. She knew there had to be a more sex positive way of working with clients.
So Dr. Patti blended life coaching and clinical sexology to create sex coaching. Many sex positive people long to make a living helping people heal and enjoy their sex lives, but don’t know how to do so. Sex Coach U provides comprehensive training in sexology, coaching, and business so you have everything you need to launch a satisfying and sustainable career as a sexological clinician.
If you feel drawn to such a fantastic career, check them out!