Mind In Matter™
Feeling brings your mind into your matter, and your mind brings your awareness to feeling
Margaretta K. Mitchell (see credits)
“Through the windows of the body the sweetness of apt things enter wondrously into the recesses of the heart.”
Guido d’Arezzo, musician & monk 990 - 1050AD
Mind in matter is the conscious experience of the flesh and its contents, the body-mind as one. When the analytical, thinking, word-crunching mind feels the tissues – muscles, joints, limbs, internal circulation – that’s mind in matter. It’s noticing where consciousness is in your body, the detail in physical and energetic movement.
Mind is formless and matter is physical… they merge through awareness.
So how do we support our mind coming more into matter? Over the years, I’ve learned there are many ways to facilitate this.
Ultimately, Mind in Matter is a process – one that I use in all of my work whether hands-on or hands-off, facilitating or educating groups or in 1:1 sessions.
The intention of this process is to awaken each human to their brilliance, their wholeness, their unique treasure trove of resources.
This treasure trove, accessed through Mind in Matter, belongs to all of us.
Whether your mind or your matter is your doorway into the other, I hope you will invite me to guide you into that deep universe.
Movement master and founder of Continuum, Emile Conrad said, “The more you are engaged with your flesh, the more you can engage with the world.” All my life, I have found this to be true.
Come engage more with yourself and the world!
MIND in MATTER: ProprioMassage
Retrieving conscious awareness from external focus
Moving awareness around the body internally – attending to interoception
Muscularly passive; awareness active
Engaging consciousness – Mind in Matter – to release tension and re-wire patterning
Ali describing to client, Nina, how ProprioMassage™ guides consciousness through tissues helping to fire new or restored neuro-pathways for full range of movement and greater embodiment.
Propriomassage™ - guiding the mind to fire through flesh
MIND in MATTER: Personal Geometry/Constellation Work
Retrieving conscious awareness from external focus
Noticing sensation of orientation in space/environment/context
Be with sensations intimately to receive content that arises – emotions, images, messages
Communicate from Mind in Matter
Touching on it in this conversation with Ali and actor Bruce Thomas…
MIND in MATTER: Guiding Movement
“So I am just moving my mind, my awareness of sensation and how my body wants to move. It’s very different than my mind telling my body – or thinking that it’s telling my body – how, why and when to move.
I don’t know how it wants to move next, from one millimeter to the next. And the more I allow in breath, the more the tissue can lead me, the more my awareness is following what my body is wanting to do and be and feel. And usually those places are up against and experiencing the restriction but is also like water moving down rock – which is how my body has been feeling lately – helping it to know where to go to loosen and melt and shift…”
Ali describing movement mediation inspired by Continuum