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MINI WORKSHOP I: Your Relationship to your Body

MINI PERSONAL GEOMETRY® WORKSHOP SERIES: Giving Your Body a Language To Speak What It Knows

The body is much more direct than the “thinking mind.” Personal Geometry® leverages spatial relationships as a language to communicate where it stands on any given issue. Bypass your thoughts, biases and judgements and find out what your brilliant body knows about… 

MINI WORKSHOP I: Your Relationship to your Body

MINI WORKSHOP II: Your Relationship to your Beauty

MINI WORKSHOP III: Your Relationship to Intimacy

There’s lots of talk about “the wisdom of the body.” But how to access it simply and easily? The use of spatial relationships externalizes the subconscious knowing embedded in the body. 

Informed and inspired by Constellation Work, Personal Geometry® is a simple, body-based tool that will help you access your somatic intelligence in minutes.

Personal Geometry is possible because of our internal body maps that can be placed externally to diagram our relationships to anyone and anything. Spatial relationship carries deep meaning due to our brain’s intricate capacity to map every body part, sensation and experience. We relate to others according to these internal relational maps.

By working with the universal language of spatiality, we can go directly to the underlying issue/s in body image and sexuality. This series of mini-workshops will give you the opportunity to gain big insight into “body topics” in just an hour and a half of guided body-based exploration.

Each workshop will include an introductory explanation, guided mapscape/s on the topic and group share.

The insights that Personal Geometry can liberate will shed light, and love, on your unique challenges and opportunities of being your body. 

MINI WORKSHOP I: Your Relationship to your Body

Where does your body stand in relation to itself? Do you love it, loathe it or somewhere in between? Is it and “it”? This mini workshop will explore sub/unconscious beliefs about your body and how to position yourself optimally for a more harmonious experience of being it. 

Saturday, Nov 4 9:30 – 11:00am PST
